core evidence v2 script

  1. Ares

    Script Core Evidence V2 [ESX] 1.0.0

    About This File Summary Evidence system is perfect for cops and robbers situations! You can set a grade from which officers can inspect blood splat's, bullet shells, fingerprints found in the car. Adding police detectives an interactive way to analyze the scene and create a whole investigation...
  2. Question [REQUEST] Core_Evidence v2.2

    Looking for CORE EVIDENCE v2.2! Thanks in advance!
  3. ARaros

    Script Core Evidence V2 Script

    Hello VAG Users, I will share one of the rare beautiful scripts "Core". I will share exactly 8 if you came across this post and did not find the others, you can find them in my messages on my profile. I wish you good Forums... *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the...