
  1. thanhnguyen.24111973

    Script Player Identifiers

    help me, Every time I log in and out, I and the player have a different id, I need to fix that id, help me
  2. Shockwave

    Advertisement ECDOJRP | Anyone Can Be A Cop | vMenu | Custom Cars & Maps | Active Staff

    East Coast Department Of Justice Roleplay Why Should You Join ECDOJRP? You should join ECDOJRP because we are a new community within FiveM, and upcoming. We love having suggestions and taking opinions from our members within ECDOJRP. Our staff team is very well developed with Management and...
  3. MaxHero

    Question QBUS SQL database Players data dublicates problem.....

    SQL players data is constantly writing and duplicating the same person. This resets money- last position and other information every time the game is entered. how can i solve ? Last version sv base : Qbus Local host test server i dont have any error logs on server cmd and F8 console...