
  1. CHRRD

    MLO/YMAP Nopixel serversided roads

    Nopixel serversided roads Preview: No Preview Download:

    Hi ı have been on the Fivem platform for many years. As both a player and a developer, I was uncomfortable with the fact that the platform had become too classic and I started to develop such a big project from scratch. The infrastructure of the project has been designed in an optimized way, I...
  3. Lilibeth

    Guide How Is It Optimized In Clientside And Servers? (Fps Boost And Prevent Hitch Warning...)

    ✌️Hello VAG Forum Family✌️ As you can see in the title, I will explain in detail the answer to the question "How to make FPS Optimization and Server Side optimization" 👉Client👈 Most native loops work. If you ask what the word native is. Native: They are the codes that enable the creation of...