
  1. samada-dz

    PAID [PAID][QBCore / ESX] Player Hygiene (Sleep / Shower / Toilet)

    Compatibility : QBCore / ESX With SCore Hygiene, players will need to manage more than just thirst and hunger. In fact, they will also have to take showers, use the toilet and go to sleep when they are tired. Info : The hud (for hygiene) is integrated in the script, so you just have to start...
  2. Lilibeth

    Script Player Hygiene - Shower , Poop , Pee

    ✌️Hello VAG Forum Family✌️ Funny Feature Add Poop Status if Hunger status is added (status) ex. eating burger Add Pee Status if Thirst status is added (status) ex. drinking water Hygiene is Decreasing over a time you can config it @config.lua Bad Hygiene Player ( zero hygiene status ) will be...