
  1. ithorfsu

    Script as_skillbar - A sleek and modern skillbar minigame. [ReM & FiveM] [All Frameworks]

    Asgard Presents: Simple skillbar rewrite and redeisgn for a sleek and modern look with no UI lag. A standalone skillbar with a simple export to trigger it and return a result. Easy to install and use, and incredibly easy to modify and redesign with your own fonts and colours. Features...
  2. viceegoat

    Script [LAB] skills system

    Greetings, I am sharing the skill system. If the scenario owner wants to close the issue, he can contact me. Download Prewiev VT
  3. Request Looking for the circle skill bar qbus

    Hey guys I’m looking for the circle skill bar for a QBus custom framework server for hot wiring vehicles and stuff of that nature. I’m not sure if it has been posted or not. If so could you direct me in the correct location. Thanks in advance
  4. LiamInChains

    Script Standalone rn-skill bar AKA skillbar

    please be careful with this 12 yo kid named Ron#7000 he is stealing scripts and will resell them, because he did it to me therefore I'll just share the script his treathed Download : if you...