

    Advertisement LA CONFIDENTIAL RP is seeking dedicated staff for a serious economy based RP server.

    Hey FiveMers... LA CONFIDENTIAL RP will be launching in a few months and we're at the stage of securing a few staff members and developers (preferably) with vehicle re-skin experience and some script writing skill under their belts. We definitely are not a 100K or die server. We believe firmly...


    🚀 Découvrez le Menu Admin V2 de Yvelt ! 🚀 💡 Caractéristiques uniques 💡 - Interface d'administration avancée et intuitive. - Personnalisez votre menu avec vos propres boutons pour une expérience sur mesure. - Accédez à des fonctionnalités exclusives pour faciliter la gestion de votre serveur...
  3. Lonely_

    Script leak | CODEM - ADMINMENU

    DL Link :
  4. Script CodeM Report Preview :
  5. CS19

    Looking For Staff Anonymous Network | Recruiting Staff

    Hi all, Anonymous Network is a newcomer to the FiveM world. We are a British based server that has only recently started our server. We are under heavy development but also very early stages. We are actively recruiting for Staff Members to help us give a push on Social Media and other...
  6. dawgman

    Advertisement Introducing: ARIZONA DOJ Roleplay!

    Introducing: ARIZONA DOJ Roleplay! We like to think we are the most transparent server on FiveM, with all of our staff rules posted for public viewing and a very strictly controlled staff team to ensure you will not be admin abused like other servers. The server has the following departments...
  7. Bytezz

    Looking For Staff Empire City RP | Hiring staff

    Hello, i'm the owner of ECRP and we just opened and are hiring staff for the city, below is some information about the city and you can apply in the discord if you'd like. WHAT WE OFFER: • Realistic Economy • A bunch of Whitelist Jobs • Player owned buissnesses • A bunch of different heists •...
  8. IchLiebeFiveM

    Looking For Staff OVA Roleplay | Sucht Teammitglieder 🔥

    Hey :) Solltest du Lust dazu haben einen Server im Aufbau als Teammitglied zu unterstützen, dann bist du hier genau richtig, OVA ROLEPLAY wurde vor wenigen Tagen ins Leben gerufen, einmal von meiner Wenigkeit und von einer anderen weiteren Projektleitung. Und Nein! Wir sind kein...
  9. Tom ciddu

    Script 🔥 zAdmin Ultimate

    Hi guys I have the zAdmin Ultimate in encrypted version if someone is decrypting scripts it's with pleasure ;) Download: zAdmin Preview:
  10. z4ue

    Script [QB] Admin Menu

  11. SouthsideRoleplay

    Advertisement Southside Roleplay | Newly formed server | Friendly community | Active Player base | vMenu

    This Is Southside Roleplay! Southside Roleplay is a server that is coming very close to it’s launch date! We’re excited to announce that we have put a lot of hard work and extended time into development to ensure the best possible roleplay experience for everyone. We want to invite YOU to the...
  12. caqri

    Looking For Staff [NEW] XR-S Roleplay - Looking for staff | Looking for crews

    [NEW] XR-S Roleplay - Looking for staff | Looking for crews Why should you choose us? Because XR-S Roleplay will be available shortly, it will have unique roleplay rules, scripts, and a distinct advancement path than other servers. What will be the duties of the staffs? We will do things...
  13. FivemLeaks00

    Looking For Developer Recherche de développeur

    Bonjour à tous et toutes, Je cherche actuellement des développeurs/euses pour un projet assez énorme. Si vous êtes intéressés/ées à révolutionner le rp d'aujourd'hui n'hésitez pas à me contacter. Voici mon discord : Codexis#2333
  14. Advertisement Revolution Roleplay

    What do we offer? We offer: [Active Developers] [Giveaways] [Custom Scripts] [Quality Roleplay] [Active Staff] [Custom Cars] [Clothes] And.. many more! Consider joining Revolution Roleplay Today :) We Are Also Looking For Department Heads ╭━─━─━─≪❃≫─━─━─━╮ We Have Multiple Departments For You To...
  15. Looking For Staff looking for staff to fill high up positions

    Server Name: Island RolePlay Age Restriction: 14 Daily Online Time You Want: as much as you can Features you are looking for: know the basics of roleplay Contact Address (Discord, Skype etc.): David7516#5712 Other / Additional: its a american economy server
  16. bigal

    Advertisement (ENG) SideQuest Roleplay | Serious RP | vMenu | Hiring LEO (Dept. Heads needed!) and Staff. [16/18+] | Custom Vehicles/EUP/Maps

    ╔═════════════════════╗        SIDEQUEST ROLEPLAY ╚═════════════════════╝ We are a community-focused FiveM roleplay server! We're looking for members to join our community as we prepare for full launch. We're also looking for experienced department heads and staff to help us launch the...