
  1. p0each

    HUD Special Hud From P0each

    Hello to the entire fivem vagg community, today I want to share with you a RDR 2 concept hud. I am not the producer of the hud, but when I received it, I completely fixed an incredibly buggy hud and it is ready for use. I hope you enjoy it. Have a good use. I am waiting for you all in my discord...
  2. ruxo

    Script [FREE] Ai Assistant RedM ChatGTP NativeSerial

    Key Features Native Script Corp present: The OpenAI API can be applied to virtually any task that involves understanding or generating natural language or code. Documentation Use all models of OpenAi You need to create an accout on OpenAi and get an API key. Get response and print in char...
  3. esFerDev

    PAID Mining System

    Mining System DEVELOPED BY ESFERDEV [Showcase Video] A cheap script where players can mine in the caves of the map in a persuasive and entertaining way. Features: · Interactive and fun mini-game based on the RUST system. · Four caves already set up and ready to use. · Stores are included...
  4. Kolla

    Discord Kolla RedM Trade Center

    Kolla RedM Trade Center What do we offer? ●🐎・ Exclusive RedM Scripts & Maps ●🤝・ Trades ●🎁・ Giveaways Discord: Pridruži se Discord serveru Kolla Trading Centre! @everyone @here
  5. esFerDev

    Script Property System - HeavyRP Style

    Property System - HeavyRP Style HEAVYRP STYLE. DEVELOPED BY ESFERDEV [Preview Video] [Showcase Video] A cheap script where you can interact with properties. Features: · Admin menu to create, edit, delete properties... · Property menu to customize. · More than 130 properties. · More than...
  6. mrstonecutter

    PAID [PAID] BCSO Vehicles | VORP 3.0 Inspired

    hi, We offer VORP 3.0 BCSO cars for sale! Details It is inspired by the BCSO cars of the VORP 3.0 server. They are NoPixel cars. Preview: Hyves | BCSO Vehicles Buy: https://hyvestore.tebex.io/category/stream Price: 3.50$ (for 3 days) Updates + | Added K9 liveries. (tglij9k.png)
  7. PAID [PAID] DL ADVANCEDBILLING - Create Private and Job Bills [VORP]

    Howdy folks, im proud to present to you my new Advanced Billing System. This System allows you to create private and Job Bills. Get it here: https://drshwaggins-scripts.tebex.io/package/5676792 Showcase Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZkblpaxLME Feature List | Detailed user...
  8. PAID [PAID] DL SOCIETY - Advanced Job / Company System [VORP / RedEM:RP]

    Howdy folks, im proud to present to you my new Society System. This System allows you to create and manage Jobs / Companys. There will be free and paid extensions for this System in the Future. Get it here: https://drshwaggins-scripts.tebex.io/package/5638677 32 Showcase Video: Checkout my...
  9. esFerDev

    PAID Clan/Gang System - Cheap script

    CLAN SYSTEM. DEVELOPED BY ESFERDEV A cheap script where you can create clans and manage it. Features: · Admin menu where you can create the clans, manage them, view some info of them, add players, edit the name of the clan, set an amount of money in the safe, add players, kick them, manage...
  10. cfxregame

    Script VORP weaponsv2

    This is a weapons shop/management script made for vorp. Redm Weapons Script Vorp_weaponsv2 weapons shop weapons crafting with job locks weapons customization weapons are easy to add on the server and lock specific weapons to specific jobs etc GitHub VORPCORE/vorp_weaponsv2 33...