admin menu

  1. TurboScripts

    PAID [PAID][QB/ESX]Turbo Web Panel

    The purpose of this script is for the server owners to be able to control their server, staff and players whether from Mobile Phone or Personal Computer. Check the video link HERE. Check the script out in our TEBEX store. Check the documentation of the script HERE. We offer every customer a...


    🚀 Découvrez le Menu Admin V2 de Yvelt ! 🚀 💡 Caractéristiques uniques 💡 - Interface d'administration avancée et intuitive. - Personnalisez votre menu avec vos propres boutons pour une expérience sur mesure. - Accédez à des fonctionnalités exclusives pour faciliter la gestion de votre serveur...
  3. OkayMany3140

    Keymaster Selling several Keymaster scripts and maps at low prices

    1. CONTACT me on discord : zxnka SCRIPTS - Water Activities (RTX DEV) | 15€ : - Theme Park (RTX DEV) | 40€ : - Water Park (RTX DEV) | 15€ : - Rcore Radio | 10€ : - Dynamic Weather | 5€ : - BEST FIVEM ADMIN MENU ZADMIN DELTA | 60€ : pablo_1610 | zAdmin Delta - Police Mugshot | 10€ ...
  4. Script 919 Admin Menu

    Download: FEATURES Super-useful Dashboard that gives you an at-a-glance player/staff count, a quick view of server logs, and 26 different self, server, vehicle, and entity management actions. Server Metrics page where you can view real time...
  5. Script Nova Admin Menu

    Nova Admin Menu the best Fivem Admin Panel
  6. Advertisement Flight ADMIN Menu V2.1 👽

    Flight Admin V2.1/ Updated Version All in one Standalone admin menu with framework integration. Installation - You can download the release version or build it urself. - To build it: - step 1: yarn - step 2: yarn build Features Every important feature needed as a developer and staff member...
  7. mael28012

    Script Flight Admin

    Flight Admin All in one Standalone admin menu with framework integration. Installation - You can download the release version or build it urself. - To build it: - step 1: yarn - step 2: yarn build Features Every important feature needed as a developer and staff member. Advanced...
  8. Script 🔥 🔥 KC Admin Panel🔥 🔥

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** 🔥 🔥 PREVIEW:
  9. Script [ESX] DZ Admin- FREE! 1.1.3

    Hey everyone, Develompent Zone has been released their new script and I’m here to share it with you Modern admin-panel in game for better game experience - control your play. DZ Admin- FREE! Features: Script functions: Open the panel by execute “admin” command and make sure to get “admin” or...
  10. clea111

    Script okokREPORTS [FRESH leak] ReportSystem

    Here is the leak of okokReports Sytem. Hope this will help you in your projects ! Here the link for the Documentation *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the...
  11. KazuDEV

    Script zAdmin Premium
  12. Script 🔥 🔥 pa-vehicleshop🔥 🔥

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** 🔥 🔥
  13. Script 🔥🔥Patoche MLO Bumper Car MAP + SCRIPT + CAR ( Standalone / Esx / Qbcore )🔥🔥

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** 🔥🔥 PREVIEW:
  14. HeSheThey

    Script ⚠️⚠️ [FREE] Flight admin menu (open source)
  15. ServerFile Admin Menu looks like admin(W for me)

    Admin Menu Tested and W
  16. Muzan

    Script ESX - Zadmin

    Description The zAdmin is one of the most configurable admin menu ever made on the ESX framework. For 2 years now I’m on FiveM, which gave me the opportunity to realize the real needs of RolePlay server admins. So I decided to create an admin menu that could answer exactly to their needs. Know...
  17. Script zADMIN menu

    Whats up guys i have an admin menu i found, seems pretty nice let me know what yall think *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  18. pxnter


    Open source!!
  19. relaxshopping

    Script OLD Qb -Admin Menu

    Hello everyone friends today we shared the old qb most preferred admin menu to you, I hope you liked it, don't forget to come to our discord address for more such content... Resource Preview ︾ Resource İnstallation ︾ 📥 Click to Download 📥 ☎ Our discord address for your questions ☎
  20. ruxo

    Script [FREE] Ruxo Admin Menu ESX

    Key Features_ God Mode. Invisibility. Heal. Revive. Vehicle List. Open Vehicle List in game with vehicle spawn. NEW Get all vehicles models from config or automatically NEW Search for vehicle label (custom veh only) Clean area. Vehicles Peds Props Player Group check for permission. Each...